fq is a filter query, and thus narrows the result set provided by the q down to 
what also matches all specified fq's.

You gave it a query, "cat_ref_no", which literally looks for that string in 
your default field.   Looking at your q parameter, cat_ref_no looks like a 
field name, and your fq should probably also have a value for that field (say 

Use debug=true to see how your q         and fq's are parsed, and that should 
shed some light on the issue.


> On Nov 12, 2019, at 11:33 AM, rhys J <rhyssha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I do this query in the browser:
> I get 84662 results.
> If I do this query:
> I get 0 results.
> Why does using fq do this?
> What am I missing in my query?
> Thanks,
> Rhys

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