Hi Guys,

 I observed a scenario with the tlog creation and usage and couldn't find
any usage for the tlog.

Solr version: 7.1.0
Number of shards = 3
Number of replica = 1
I indexed the about 10k docs into the collection.

 Scenario 1:
  Using add replica collection API, I created one more replica (tried with
both nrt and tlog) neither of the replicas doesn't pull the tlog files.
Only the index files are pulled from master.
  * If the tlog is not present in a replica then during ungraceful shutdown
of the solr server how the replicas will regain the index without tlog
  * To verify the above scenario, I killed the newly added replica server
with kill -9 <pid> command and started back
  also stopped the leader node.

  1) TLog files are not used even in the case of ungraceful shutdown, where
else it will be used?
  2) Tlog files doesn't get copied to the newly added replica so adding a
new replica to the already created collection with data/index is not
  3) Is there a way to make the newly added slave node to replicate the
tlog file as it does for the data/index files from leader?
  4) Is it possible to use the Tlog files /index files from an existing
solr server to spin up a new solr cluster?

It would be much helpful for me to understand the core working of Solr

Sripradeep P

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