Hi Everyone,

I've managed to successfully install solr on my server, and it's running
and I have created a core and indexed some 1000 pdf files... Searches work,
and so far, so good.

There are two issues that I can't resolve even though I have tried for a
good 8 hours, so I feel I can hopefully reach out having tried myself
before asking stupid questions.


   - Ubuntu OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.4
   - Processors8
   - Args-DSTOP.KEY=solrrocks-DSTOP.PORT=9539-Djetty.home=/opt/solr/server
   10539 /var/solr/logs

and my core: CWD:
Issue 1: I want to secure my server with basic authentication (that's why
I'm running on port 10539 at the moment, but that's not security ...

I've put a file security.json in
/opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/_default/conf, but that doesn't do
anything. No request for a password when I access the web interface or do
Any help on that would be highly appreciated.
Issue 2: I would like to index a lot of emails that reside on a local imap
server (dovecot). I have managed to configure that, and my
configuration shows up in the "dataimport" menu on my core
(meeting_minutes) in the web interface: <dataConfig> <document> <entity
processor="MailEntityProcessor" user="christian" password="******" host=
"localhost" protocol="imap" fetchMailsSince="2010-06-30 00:00:00" batchSize=
"200" folders="Secretary" processAttachement="false" name="mail_entity"/> </
document> </dataConfig>

(the password does of course appear in cleartext in my config file ....)
I can execute the command from the web interface, and get the message

Last Update: 21:08:18
Requests: 0 , Fetched: 0 , Skipped: 0 , Processed: 0

My dovecot server shows nothing in the logs, and I can change the password
and don't get any error message - solr always claims it executed, and that
there were 0 Fetched etc.
I manually have logged into the dovecot server with imap, and the folder
"Secretary" does indeed show up when I list the folders. It appears solr
doesn't even try to connect to my dovecot server.

I can't use the debug option, as apparently, I have to
enable.dih.dataConfigParam has to be set to true, but I don't have the
slightest clue where and how to set that. (It took me quite a while to
figure out that changing the default port had to be done in /etc/default/
solr.in.sh, rather than in solrconfig.xml...)

The performance is great, and I love the stuff that works, but I find it
very hard to get solr going, configure it, and get my imap dataConfig going.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best regards,


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