This sounds like
Solr 8.3.1 is likely to be available soon - RC2 is at
Re-index on it, and see if you still have issues.

On Sun, 1 Dec 2019 at 17:35, Odysci <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a solr cloud setup using solr 8.3 and zookeeper, which I recently
> converted from solr 7.7. I converted the index using the index updater and
> it all went fine. My index has about 40 million docs.
> I used a separate program to check the values of all fields in the solr
> docs, for consistency (e.g., fields which are supposed to have
> only numbers, or only alpha chars, etc.). I ran this program immediately
> after the index updating and it did not detect any problems.
> Then I started regular use of the system, indexing new documents, and I
> noticed that some fields were getting the wrong values. For example, a
> field which was supposed to be a string with only digits had a string
> containing parts of another field name. It looked as if memory was getting
> corrupted. There were no error msgs in the solr logs.
> In other words, solr 8.3 seems to be indexing wrong values in some fields.
> This happens very few times, but it's happening.
> Has anyone seen this happening?
> Thanks!
> Reinaldo

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