On 12/26/2019 1:21 PM, Nicolas Paris wrote:
Below a part of the managed-schema. There is 1k section* fields. The
second experience, I removed the copyField, droped the collection and
re-indexed the whole. To mesure the index size, I went to solr-cloud and
looked in the cloud part: 40GO per shard. I also look at the folder
size. I made some tests and the _text_ field is indexed.

Your schema says that the destination field is not stored and doesn't have docValues. So the only thing it has is indexed.

All of the terms generated by index analysis will already be in the index from the source fields. So what will be added is just another set of pointers to each relevant term. That's not going to be very large. Probably only a few bytes for each term.

So with this copyField, the index will get larger, but probably not significantly.


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