Thanks for reply. I want to make your point more exact, cause I'm not
sure that I correctly understood you :)

As far as I know (correct me please, if I wrong) type defines the way
in which the field is indexed and queried. But I don't want to index
or query "suggestion" field in different way, I want "suggestion" field
store different value (like in example I wrote in first mail). 

So you are saying that I can tell to slor (using filedType) how solr
should process string before saving it? Yes?

FT> The filters and tokenizer that are applied to the copy field are
FT> determined by it's type in the schema. Simply create a new field type in
FT> your schema with the filters you would like, and use that type for your
FT> copy field. So, the field description would have it's old type, but the
FT> field suggestion would get a new type.

FT> -Todd Feak

FT> -----Original Message-----
FT> From: Aleksey Gogolev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
FT> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:28 AM
FT> To:
FT> Subject: Question about copyField

FT> Hello.

FT> I have field "description" in my schema. And I want make a filed
FT> "suggestion" with the same content. So I added following line to my
FT> schema.xml:

FT>    <copyField source="description" dest="suggestion"/>

FT> But I also want to modify "description" string before copying it to
FT> "suggestion" field. I want to remove all comas, dots and slashes. Here
FT> is an example of such transformation:

FT> "TvPL/st, SAMSUNG, SML200"  => "TvPL st SAMSUNG SML200"

FT> And so as result I want to have such doc:

FT> <doc>
FT>      <field name="id">8asydauf9nbcngfaad</filed>
FT>      <field name="description">TvPL/st, SAMSUNG, SML200</filed>
FT>      <field name="description">TvPL st SAMSUNG SML200</filed>
FT> </doc>

FT> I think it would be nice to use solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory for
FT> this purpose. So the question is: Can I use solr filters for
FT> processing "description" string before copying it to "suggestion"
FT> field?

FT> Thank you for your attention.

Aleksey Gogolev
Aleksey                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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