Rajdeep, you say that "suddenly" heap space is getting full ... does
this mean that some variant of this configuration was working for you
at some point, or just that the failure happens quickly?

If heap space and faceting are indeed the bottleneck, you might make
sure that you have docValues enabled for your facet field fieldTypes,
and perhaps set uninvertible=false.

I'm not seeing where large numbers of facets initially came from in
this thread? But on that topic this is perhaps relevant, regarding the
potential utility of a facet cache:


On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 7:16 AM Toke Eskildsen <t...@kb.dk> wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-01-19 at 21:19 -0500, Mehai, Lotfi wrote:
> > I  had a similar issue with a large number of facets. There is no way
> > (At least I know) your can get an acceptable response time from
> > search engine with high number of facets.
> Just for the record then it is doable under specific circumstances
> (static single-shard index, only String fields, Solr 4 with patch,
> fixed list of facet fields):
> https://sbdevel.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/over-9000-facet-fields/
> More usable for the current case would be to play with facet.threads
> and throw hardware with many CPU-cores after the problem.
> - Toke Eskildsen, Royal Danish Library

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