On 2/2/2020 8:47 AM, Joseph Lorenzini wrote:

That autoSoftCommit setting is far too aggressive, especially for bulk indexing. I don't know whether it's causing the specific problem you're asking about here, but it's still a setting that will cause problems, because Solr will constantly be doing commit operations while bulk indexing is underway.

Erick mentioned this as well. Greatly increasing the maxTime, and removing maxDocs, is recommended. I would recommend starting at one minute. The maxDocs setting should be removed from autoCommit as well.

So I turned off two solr nodes, leaving a single solr node up. When I ran
curl again, I noticed the import aborted with this exception.

Error adding field 'primary_dob'='1983-12-21T00:00:00Z' msg=Invalid Date in
Date Math String:'1983-12-21T00:00:00Z
caused by: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text
'1983-12-21T00:00:00Z' could not be parsed at index 0'

That date string looks OK. Which MIGHT mean there are characters in it that are not visible. Erick said that the single quote is balanced in his message, which COULD mean that the character causing the problem is one that deletes things when it is printed.


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