Thanks so much Erick. Sounds like this should be a perfect approach to helping 
resolve our current issue.

On 2/24/20, 6:48 PM, "Erick Erickson" <> wrote:

    Yes, upgrading to 7.5+ will automagically take advantage of the 
improvements, eventually... No, you don’t have to reindex.
    The “eventually” part. As you add, and particularly replace, existing 
documents, TMP will make decisions based on the new policy. If you’ve optimized 
in the past and have a very large segment (I.e. > 5G), it’ll be rewritten when 
the number of deleted docs exceeds the threshold; I don’t remember what the 
exact number is. Point is it’ll recover from having an over-large segment over 
time and _eventually_ the largest segment will be < 5G.
    Absent a previous optimize making a large segment, I’d just consider 
optimizing after you’ve upgraded. The TMP revisions respect the max segment 
size, so that should purge all deleted documents from your index without 
creating a too-large one. Thereafter the number of deleted docs should remain < 
about 33%. It only really approaches that percentage when you’re updating lots 
of existing docs.
    Finally, expungeDeletes is less expensive than optimize because it doesn’t 
rewrite segments with 10% deleted docs so that’s an alternative to optimizing 
after upgrading.
    > On Feb 24, 2020, at 5:42 PM, Zimmermann, Thomas 
<> wrote:
    > Hi Folks –
    > Few questions before I tackled an upgrade here. Looking to go from 7.4 to 
7.7.2 to take advantage of the improved Tiered Merge Policy and segment cleanup 
– we are dealing with some high (45%) deleted doc counts in a few cores. Would 
simply upgrading Solr and setting the cores to use Lucene 7.7.2 take advantage 
of these features? Would I need to reindex to get existing segments merged more 
efficiently? Does it depend on the size of my current segments vs the 
configuration of the merge policy or would upgrading simply allow solr to do 
its own thing help mitigate this issue?
    > Also – I noticed the 7.5+ defaults to the Autoscaling for replication, 
and 8.0 defaults to legacy. Would I potentially need to make changes to my 
existing configs to ensure they stay on Legacy replication?
    > Thanks much!
    > TZ

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