Hello, James.

DataImportHandler has a lock preventing concurrent execution. If you need
to run several imports in parallel at the same core, you need to duplicate
"/dataimport" handlers definition in solrconfig.xml. Thus, you can run them
in parallel. Regarding schema, I prefer the latter but mileage may vary.


On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 6:39 PM James Greene <ja...@jamesaustingreene.com>

> Hello, I'm new to the group here so please excuse me if I do not have the
> etiquette down yet.
> Is it possible to have multiple entities (customer configurable, up to 40
> atm) in a DIH configuration to be imported at once?  Right now I have
> multiple root entities in my configuration but they get indexes
> sequentially and this means the entities that are last are always delayed
> hitting the index.
> I'm trying to migrate an existing setup (solr 6.6) that utilizes a
> different collection for each "entity type" into a single collection (solr
> 8.4) to get around some of the hurdles faced when needing to have searches
> that require multiple block joins and currently does not work going cross
> core.
> I'm also wondering if it is better to fully qualify a field name or use two
> different fields for performing the "same" search.  i.e:
> {
>     type_A_status; Active
>     type_A_value: Test
> }
> vs
> {
>     type: A
>     status: Active
>     value: Test
> }

Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev

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