The easy question first. There is an absolute limit of 2B docs per shard. 
Internally, Lucene assigns an integer internal document ID that overflows after 
2B. That includes deleted docs, so your “maxDoc” on the admin page is the 
limit. Practically, as you are finding, you run into performance issues at 
significantly than 2B. Note that when segments are merged, the internal IDs get 

Indexing scales pretty linearly with the number of shards, _assuming_ you’re 
adding more hardware. To really answer the question you need to look at what 
the bottleneck is on your current system. IOW, “It Depends(tm)”.

Let’s claim your current system is running all your CPUs flat out. Or I/O is 
maxed out. Adding more shards to the existing hardware won’t help. Perhaps you 
don’t even need more shards, you just need to move some of your replicas to new 

OTOH, let’s claim that your indexing isn’t straining your current hardware at 
all, then adding more shards to existing hardware should increase throughput.

Probably the issue is merging. When segments are merged, they’re re-written. My 
guess is that your larger collection is doing more merging than your test 
collection, but that’s a guess. See Mike McCandless’ blog, TieredMergePolicy is 
the default you’re probably using:


> On May 20, 2020, at 7:25 AM, Kommu, Vinodh K. <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently we had noticed that one of the largest collection (shards = 6 ; 
> replication factor =3) which holds up to 1TB of data & nearly 3.2 billion of 
> docs is taking longer time to index than it used to before. To see the 
> indexing time difference, we created another collection using largest 
> collection configs (schema.xml and solrconfig.xml files) and loaded the 
> collection with up to 100 million docs which is ~60G of data. Later we tried 
> to index exactly same 25 million docs data file on these two collections 
> which clearly showed timing difference. BTW, we are running on Solr 7.7.1 
> version.
> Original largest collection has completed indexing in ~100mins
> Newly created collection (which has 100 million docs) has completed in ~70mins
> This indexing time difference is due to the amount of data that each 
> collection hold? If yes, how to increase indexing performance on larger data 
> collection? adding more shards can help here?
> Also, is there any threshold numbers for a single shard can hold in terms of 
> size and number of docs before adding a new shard?
> Any answers would really help!!
> Thanks & Regards,
> Vinodh
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