
Currently we have index of size 3.5 TB. These index are distributed across
12 shards under two cores. The size of index on each shards are almost
We do a delta indexing every week and optimise the index.

The server configuration is as follows.

   - Solr Version  : 6.5.1
   - AWS instance type : r5a.16xlarge
   - CPU(s)  : 64
   - RAM  : 512GB
   - EBS size  : 7 TB (For indexing as well as index optimisation.)
   - IOPs  : 30000 (For faster index optimisation)

Can you please help me with following few questions?

   - What is the ideal index size per shard?
   - The optimisation takes lot of time and IOPs to complete. Will
   increasing the number of shards help in reducing the optimisation time and
   - We are planning to reduce each shard index size to 30GB and the entire
   3.5 TB index will be distributed across more shards. In this case to almost
   70+ shards. Will this help?
   - Will adding so many new shards increase the search response time and
   possibly how much?
   - If we have to increase the shards should we do it on a single larger
   server or should do it on multiple small servers?

Kindly share your thoughts on how best we can use Solr with such a large
index size.


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