Thank you very much Erick, Emir, and Bram this is extremly useful advice I 
sincerely appreciate everyone’s input!

Before I received your responses I ran a controlled DBQ test in our DR 
environment and exactly what you said occurred.  It was like reading a step by 
step playbook of events with heavy blocking occurring on the Solr nodes and 
lots of threads going into a TIMED_WAITING state. Several shards were pushed 
into recovery mode and things were starting to get ugly, fast!

I'd read snippets in blog posts and JIRA tickets on DBQ being a blocking 
operation but I did not expect having such a specific DBQ (i.e. by ID's) would 
operate very differently from the DBID (which I expected block as well). Boy 
was I wrong! They're used interchangeably in the Solr ref guide examples so 
it’s very useful to understand the performance implications of each.  
Additionally all of the information I found on delete operations never 
mentioned query performance so I was unsure of its impact in this dimension.

Erik thanks again for your comprehensive response your blogs and user group 
responses are always a pleasure to read I'm constantly picking useful pieces of 
information that I use on a daily basis in managing our Solr/Fusion clusters. 
Additionally, I've been looking for an excuse to use streaming expressions and 
I did not think to use them the way you suggested.  I've watched quite a few of 
Joel's presentations on youtube and his blog is brilliant.  Streaming 
expressions are expanding with every Solr release they really are a very 
exciting part of Solr's evolution.  Your final point on searcher state while 
streaming expressions are running and its relationship with new searchers is a 
very interesting additional piece of information I’ll add to the toolbox. Thank 

At the moment we're fortunate to have all the ID's of the documents to remove 
in a DB so I'll be able to construct batches of DBID requests relatively easily 
and store them in a backlog table for processing without needing to traverse 
Solr with cursors, streaming (or other means) to identify them.  We follow a 
similar approach for updates in batches of around ~1000 docs/batch.  
Inspiration for that sweet spot was once again determined after reading one of 
Erik's Lucidworks blog posts and testing 

Again thanks to the community and users for everyone’s contribution on the 
issue it is very much appreciated.

Successful Solr-ing to all,


From: Bram Van Dam <>
Sent: Wednesday, 27 May 2020 5:34 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Solr Deletes

On 26/05/2020 14:07, Erick Erickson wrote:
> So best practice is to go ahead and use delete-by-id.

I've noticed that this can cause issues when using implicit routing, at
least on 7.x. Though I can't quite remember whether the issue was a
performance issue, or whether documents would sometimes not get deleted.

In either case, I worked it around it by doing something like this:

UpdateRequest req = new UpdateRequest();
req.setParam(ShardParams._ROUTE_, shard);

Maybe that'll help if you run into either of those issues.

 - Bram

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