We've run the performance test after changing the fields to be of the type 
string. We're seeing improved performance, especially after the first time the 
query has run. The first run is taking around 1-2 seconds rather than 6-8 
seconds and when the filter cache is present, the response time is around 400ms.
Do you have any more suggestions that we could try in order to optimise the 

On 11/06/2020, 14:49, "Erick Erickson" <erickerick...@gmail.com> wrote:

    There’s a lot of confusion about using points-based fields for faceting, 
see: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-13227 for instance.

    Two options you might try:
    1> copyField to a string field and facet on that (won’t work, of course, 
for any kind of interval/range facet)
    2> use the deprecated Trie field instead. You could use the copyField to a 
Trie field for this too.


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