On 6/16/2020 8:44 AM, yaswanth kumar wrote:
I don't see anything related in the solr.log file for the same error. Not
sure if there is anyother place where I can check for this.

The underlying request that failed might be happening on one of the other nodes in the cloud. It might be necessary to check the solr.log file on multiple machines.

The response here does NOT contain any information about what caused the problem. All it says is that an ADDREPLICA action necessary to complete the restore failed. You'll need to locate the node where the ADDREPLICA failed, and we will need to see the FULL error message. It is probably dozens of lines in length.

I see that you've opened an issue in Jira. That is premature. The Solr project does NOT use Jira as a support portal. If we determine that you're running into a bug, then it would be appropriate to open an issue.


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