On 9/5/2020 3:30 AM, Dominique Bejean wrote:
Hi, I often see a bad usage of the version attribute in shema.xml. For instance <schema name="foo" version="2.1"> The version attribute is to specify the schema syntax and semantics version to be used by Solr. The current value is 1.6 It is clearly specified in schema.xml comments "It should not normally be changed by applications". However, what happens if this attribute is not correctly set ? I tried to find the answer in the code but without success. If the value is not 1.0, 1.1, ... or 1.6, does Solr default it to the last correct value so 1.6 ?

I've checked the code.

If the version is not specified in the schema, then it defaults to 1.0.  The code that handles this can be found in IndexSchema.java.

Currently the minimum value is 1.0 and the maximum value is 1.6. If the actual configured version is outside of these limits, then the effective value is raised to the minimum or lowered to the maximum.


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