
I downloaded the solr source from https://github.com/apache/lucene-solr and
checked out to branch_7_7

Configured intellij using the steps on
Configured the project SDK too as mentioned.

Facing the following problems

   - Unable to navigate from one class to another. "Find usages" of any
   public method doesn't return any result. Unable to open any class by
   searching for it. Have to navigate in the project structure to open any
   - Not getting the Run/Debug option on any test case
   - Executing any pre configured test configuration fails with the single
   error "Error Running <configuration>. No junit.jar". Have added junit in
   Project Structure -> Modules

I also tried setting it up via maven using steps in

   - ant generate-maven-artifacts
   - ant get-maven-poms
   - cd maven-build
   - mvn install -DskipTests

I don't think I can execute test cases from inside the maven-build folder
as they are all inside the target of their respective modules.

There are dependency errors in intelliJ if i open either the root folder
(lucene-solr) or the sub folder maven-build in IntelliJ

Root folder - "Package name org.apache.solr.ltr does not correspond to file
path test.org.apache.solr.ltr"
maven-build folder - Facing same issue as with ant and unable to navigate /
find usages. Getting the Run option but Run configuration is broken as it
"Class org.apache.solr.ltr.feature.TestEdisMaxSolrFeature not found in
module solr-ltr"

What am I doing wrong and how do I run test cases like TestEdisMaxSolrFeature
on IntelliJ ?

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