
I have 4 nodes solrcloud cluster. 2 nodes (solr1 and solr3) are started
with the parametrer -Dzone=dc1 and  the 2 other nodes (solr 2 and Solr4)
are started with the parametrer -Dzone=dc2

I want to create Autoscaling placement Rule in order to equally distribute
replicas of a shard over zone (never 2 replicas of a shard in the same
zone). According documentation, I created this rule

{ "set-policy": { "policyzone": [ {"replica": "#EQUAL", "shard": "#EACH",
"sysprop.zone": ["dc1", "dc2"]} ] } }

I create a collection with 2 shards and 2 replicas, and the 4 cores are
created on solr2 and solr4 nodes so only in zone=dc2

What is wrong in my rule ?


Dominique BĂ©jean

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