Hey Erick,

In cases for which we are getting this warning, I'm not able to extract the
`exact solr query`. Instead logger is logging `parsedquery ` for such cases.
Here is one example:

2020-09-29 13:09:41.279 WARN  (qtp926837661-82461) [c:mycollection
s:shard1_0 r:core_node5 x:mycollection_shard1_0_replica_n3]
o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Query: [+FunctionScoreQuery(+*:*, scored by
#BitSetDocTopFilter]; The request took too long to iterate over doc values.
Timeout: timeoutAt: 1635297585120522 (System.nanoTime(): 1635297690311384),


As per my understanding query in the above case is `q=*:*`. And then there
is boost function which uses functional query on my_doc_value_field*
(fieldtype doc_value_field i.e having index=false and docValue = true) to
reorder matched docs. If docValue works efficiently for _function queries_
then why this warning are coming?

Also, we do use frange queries on doc_value_field (having index=false and
docValue = true).
{!frange l=1.0}my_doc_value_field1

Erick Erickson wrote
> Let’s see the query. My bet is that you are _searching_ against the field
> and have indexed=false.
> Searching against a docValues=true indexed=false field results in the
> equivalent of a “table scan” in the RDBMS world. You may use
> the docValues efficiently for _function queries_ to mimic some
> search behavior.
> Best,
> Erick

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