While the tool is only included in 8.5 and higher, it will index logs from any 
version of Solr 7.x or 8.x (and possibly even 6.x). So if you want to use it, 
you could download Solr 8.5 or higher to your local machine and index your 
8.4.1 logs there, or use an 8.5 or higher Docker image. You probably need to 
copy them locally; AFAIK, it can't take a URL to go get files from a non-local 
filestore like S3, etc.

I use it at least weekly in my work…it’s an immense help to troubleshooting 
when you aren’t sure what’s going on with the system.
On Oct 14, 2020, 3:50 AM -0500, Zisis T. <zist...@runbox.com>, wrote:
> Thanks Alexandre, silly me. I though 8.4.1 was recent enough...
> --
> Sent from: https://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html

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