
after reading some Solr source code, I might have found the cause:

There was indeed a change in Solr 8.6 that leads to the NullPointerException
for the CoreAdmin STATUS request in CoreAdminOperation#getCoreStatus. The
instancePath is not retrieved from the ResourceLoader anymore, but from the
registered CoreDescriptor. See commit [1]. 

SolrCore.getInstancePath(SolrCore.java:333) throws an NPE because the
CoreContainer does not have a CoreDescriptor for the name, even though a
SolrCore is available in the CoreContainer under that name (retrieved some
lines above). This inconsistency is persistent: All STATUS requests keep
failing until Solr is restarted.

IIUC, the underlying problem is that CoreContainer#create does not correctly
handle concurrent requests to create the same core. There's a race condition
(see TODO comment [2]), and CoreContainer#createFromDescriptor may be called
subsequently for the same core. The second call then fails to create an
IndexWriter (LockObtainFailedException), and this causes a call to
SolrCores#removeCoreDescriptor [3]. This mean, the second call removes the
CoreDescriptor for the SolrCore created with the first call. This is the
inconsistency that causes the NPE in CoreAdminOperation#getCoreStatus.

Does this sound reasonable?

I'll create a JIRA ticket tomorrow, if that's okay.

Thank you,


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