On 11/3/2020 11:49 PM, Narayanan, Bhagyasree wrote:
Steps we followed for creating Solr App service:

 1. Created a blank sitecore 9.3 solution from Azure market place and
    created a Web app for Solr.
 2. Unzipped the Solr 8.1.1 package and copied all the contents to
    wwwroot folder of the Web app created for Solr using WinSCP/FTP.
 3. Created a new Solr core by creating a new folder {index folder} and
    copied 'conf' from the "/site/wwwroot/server/solr/configsets/_default".
 4. Created a core.properties file with numShards=2 & name={index folder}

Can you give us the precise locations of all core.properties files that you have and ALL of the contents of those files? There should not be any sensitive information in them -- no passwords or anything like that.

It would also be helpful to see the entire solr.log file, taken shortly after Solr starts. The error will have much more detail than you shared in your previous message.

This mailing list eats attachments. So for the logfile, you'll need to post the file to a filesharing service and give us a URL. Dropbox is an example of this. For the core.properties files, which are not very long, it will probably be best if you paste the entire contents into your email reply. If you attach files to your email, we won't be able to see them.


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