On 12/11/2020 2:38 PM, ufuk yılmaz wrote:
<copyField source="place.name" dest="place.name_orig" maxChars="1024"/>

My question is, will there be any difference on the resulting indexed documents 
if I switched source and dest fields in copyField directive? My understanding 
is copyField operates on raw data arriving at Solr as is, and field 
declarations themselves decide what to do with it, so there shouldn’t be any 
difference, but I’m currently investigating an issue which,

Presumably your indexing includes place.name but does not contain place.name_orig in the fields that are sent to Solr for indexing. If that's the case, then reversing the fields in the copyField will leave place.name_orig empty.

If the indexed data does contain both fields, then the target field would contain the data twice, and if the target field is not multiValued, then indexing will fail.

- Same data is indexed in two different collections, one uses a copyField 
directive like above
- Other one don’t use copyField, but same value is sent both in place.name and 
place.name_orig fields during indexing
But I’m seeing some slight differences in resulting documents, mainly in casing 
between i and İ.

Analysis does not affect document data in the results. The data you see in results will be exactly what was originally sent. The only way Solr can change stored data is through the use of Update Processors defined in solrconfig.xml ... analysis defined in the schema will not affect document data in search results.


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