On 1/11/2021 11:25 AM, Walter Underwood wrote:
There are all sorts of problems with the primary/secondary approach. How do you 
the secondary is working? How do you deal with cold caches on the secondary 
when it
suddenly gets lots of load?

Instead, size the cluster with the number of hosts you need, then add one. Send 
to all of them. If any of them goes down, you have the capacity to handle the 
This is called “N+1 provisioning”.

Where do you send your solr queries? If you have an http server at an ip address that answers them, that's a single point of failure unless you put it on a heartbet'ed cluster ip. (I tend to prefer ucarp to pacemaker for that as the latter is bloated and too cumbersome for simple active/passive setups, but that's OT.)


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