On 1/19/2021 4:19 PM, ufuk yılmaz wrote:
Lets say I had only 1 replica for each collection but I split it to 6 shards, 1 
for every node.
Or I had 2 shards (1 shard is too big for a single node I think) but I had 3 
replicas, 3x2=6, 1 on every node.

How would it affect the performance?

It all depends on how many queries you're expecting to occur at the same time -- your query rate.

More replicas will generally make your system capable of handling a higher query load than fewer replicas, as long as the replicas are running on different physical hardware.

With a low query load, more shards CAN make things faster because it throws more system capacity at the problem -- assuming the different shards are on different physical hardware. But as the number of queries increases, the systems get busier, and that advantage disappears.

Don't assign your heap size as a ratio of total memory size. Your heap should be as big as it needs to be, and no bigger, leaving as much memory as possible for disk caching. I can't say for sure, but with 20 indexes the size you're talking about, 50 GB of memory per node is probably nowhere near enough.


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