very similar situation to those already reported.  2.9M bilbiographic
records, with authors being the (previous) bottleneck, and the one
we're starting to test with the new algorithm.

so far, no load tests, but just in single requests i'm seeing the same
improvements...phenomenal improvements, btw, with most example queries
taking less than 1/100th of the time

always very impressed with this project/product, and just thought i'd
add a "me-too" to the list...cheers, and have a great weekend,


On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A new faceting algorithm has been committed to the development version
> of Solr, and should be available in the next nightly test build (will
> be dated 11-25).  This change should generally improve field faceting
> where the field has many unique values but relatively few values per
> document.  This new algorithm is now the default for multi-valued
> fields (including tokenized fields) so you shouldn't have to do
> anything to enable it.  We'd love some feedback on how it works to
> ensure that it actually is a win for the majority and should be the
> default.
> -Yonik

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