I notices that you are using the same rysncd port for both core.  Do you
have a scripts.conf for each core?


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 11:40 PM, Kashyap, Raghu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi,
>  We are seeing a strange behavior with snappuller
> We have 2 cores Hotel & Location
> Here are the steps we perform
> 1.      index hotel on master server
> 2.      index location on master server
> 3.      execute snapshooter for hotel core on master server
> 4.      execute snapshooter for location core on master server
> 5.      execute snappuller from slave machines (once for hotel core &
> once for location core)
> However, the hotel core snapshot is pulled into the location data dir.
> Here are the commands that we execute in our ruby scripts
> system('solr/multicore/hotel/bin/snappuller -P 18983 -S /solr/data -M
> masterServer  -D /solr/data/hotel ")
> system("solr/multicore/location/bin/snappuller -P 18983 -M masterServer
> -S /solr/data -D /solr/data/location")
> Thanks,
> Raghu

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