Hi all,

Whilst Solr is a great resource (a big thank you to the developers) it presents me with a couple of issues.

The need for hierarchical facets I would say is a fairly crucial missing piece but has already been pointed out (http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-64).

The other issue relates to providing (count) feedback for disjoint selections. When a facet value is selected this constrains the documents and solr returns the counts for all the other facet values. Thus the user can see all the possible valid selections (i.e. having a count >0) and the number of documents which will be returned if that value is selected. However one of the valid selections is to select another value in the facet, creating a disjoint selection and increasingly the number of returned documents. However there is currently no way for the user to know which values are valid to select as the count only relates to currently selected documents and not documents which are also still possible to select.

I hope this is clear, it's not the easiest issue to explain (or perhaps I just do it badly). Anyway other Faceted Browsers, such as the Simile Project's Exhibit, do return counts showing the effect of disjoint selections which is more useful for the user.


PS I'm unsure whether this should be posted to the developer's list so I posted here first.

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