Thanks Otis,

Is it possible to get my hands on the ability in lucene utilizing patches
before it is released to the public? (sorry to ask) - How close is it in the
source code if I didn't care about the documentation/packaging/etc..?  So
from what it sounds like, this would be a realtime store(with great
search) that could be used instead of a database or in conjunction? Is
it wrong to say it's similar to bigtable from google in keeping realtime
data in a non relational way but with a better search?


On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Otis Gospodnetic <
> wrote:

> Michael,
> The short answer is that Solr is not there yet, but will be.  Expect to see
> real-time search in Lucene first, then in Solr.
> We have a case study about real-time search with Lucene in the upcoming
> Lucene in Action 2, but a more tightly integrated real-time search will be
> added to Lucene down the road (and then Solr).
> In the mean time you can use the trick of one large and less frequently
> updated core and one small and more frequently updated core + distributed
> search across them.
> Otis
> --
> Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch
> ________________________________
> From: Michael Austin <>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 1:02:43 PM
> Subject: Realtime Searching..
> I need to find a solution for our current social application. It's low
> traffic now because we are early on.. However I'm expecting and want to be
> prepaired to grow.  We have messages of different "types" that are
> aggregated into one stream. Each of these message types have much different
> data so that our main queries have a few unions and many joins.  I know
> that
> Solr would work great for searching but we need a realtime system
> (twitter-like) to view user updates.  I'm not interested in a few minutes
> delay; I need something that will be fast updating and searchable and have
> n
> columns per record/document. Can solor do this? what is Ocean?
> Thanks

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