: I have indexed my data as "custom123, customer, custom" for the 
: "UserName" field. I need to search the records for exact match, when I 
: am trying to search with UserName:"customer" I am finding the records 
: where UserName is custom123 and custom.
: As per my understanding solr splits the AlphaNumeric words into sub words
: custom123 => "custom","123"
: As per above the above logic when I search for UserName:"customer", it 
: shouldn't display the custom123 and custom.
: Could you please tell me why it is behaving like that or how I can search for 
exact match.

"exact match" means differnet things to different people ... based on your 
example it seems that you want tokenization on whitespace and punctuation, 
but no word-splitting.  removing the WordDelimiterFilterFactory from your 
field type will probably help ... but you might also want to get rid of 
the EnglishPorter and stopwords list too ... it all depends on what your 
goal is.

in general, this is what the Analysis Tool (linked to from the admin 
screen) is for -- it helps you see what exactly all of your existing 
filters are doing so you can decidewhich ones to remove(or alter the 
configuration of)


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