On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Steffen B. <s.baumg...@fhtw-berlin.de>wrote:

> Unfortunately, this rollback does not "refill" the index with the old data,
> and neither keeps the old index from being overwritten with the new,
> erroneous index. Now my question is: is there anything I can do to keep
> Solr
> from trashing my index on a full-import when there is a problem with the
> database?

This is not good. I'll try to write some tests and try to find the cause.

> Or should I use clean=false, even though 99% of the imported documents are
> not incremental but the same documents that already were in the index, only
> with new data?

Use clean=false for the time being. The old documents will be replaced with
the new ones (old and new must have same uniqueKey).
Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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