
This might be a very silly question that's documented everywhere but I just can't find an answer right now.

When we first implemented solr we used version 1.2 (of course, 1.3 was released days afterwards). In the brief period we used 1.2, whenever we wanted to delete a bunch of documents, we would send along something like this:

<delete><id>image.1</id></delete><delete><id>image.2</id></delete> etc... (one delete node for each image we wanted to delete)

And that worked in 1.2.

Also, we could get a statistic called "deletesPending" from the stats.jsp page in the admin console.

Now, when we upgraded to 1.3, I noticed right away that deletesPending was gone, but since it wasn't critical to the application we kinda let it go. Now, first of all, I'm wondering, is there any way to get this statistic back? I've checked the document because I know precisely how many deletes should be pending right now (135 documents), and that statistic doesn't appear to be on the page at all by any name, any more. It was very useful though! If there's any way to poll the index for this information still, that would be great.

Also, and this is the part that really gets me, somehow now that delete command that we were using no longer works. I can't find any reference to the fact that it changed anywhere... But I know it did because I have the logs from when we tested it (just went back to check).

Now I rewrote our scripts to do a delete by query like this:

<delete><query>id:(image.1 OR image.2)</query></delete>

And that's fine. Just wondering if that was actually a change or what's going on there or if the fact that it ever worked was a fluke (which seems to be the case since I find people out on message boards essentially saying the delete by query method is the only way to delete multiple documents at once). I'm kinda worried that syntax for other commands might have changed without my knowledge (but only a little - after all, it took about 4 months before someone noticed deletes didn't work properly - it's not the most common thing for us, but still, that's a long time).

If anyone knows the answer to these questions (in particular, the deletesPending statistic) I'd really appreciate the hint. Thanks!!


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