I'm doing some testing of a solr master/slave config and find that,
after syncing my slave, I need to sleep for about 400ms after commit
to "see" the new index state.  i.e. if I don't sleep, and I execute a
query, I get results that reflect the prior state of the index.

I suspect this has something to do with waiting for the searcher to
warm and switch over (?).  Though, I'm confused because when I print
out /solr/admin/registry.jsp, the hashcode of the Searcher changes
immediately (as the commit docs say, the commit operation blocks by
default until a new searcher is in place).  I've tried turning off all
caching, to no effect.

Anyone have any idea what could be going on here?  Ideally, <commit/>
would be an operation that blocks until the exact moment when the new
searcher is in place and is actually serving based on the new index


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