
I have some queries on SOLR fo which i need immediate resolution. A fast
help would be greatly appreciated.

a.) We know that fields are also indexed. So can we index some specific
fields(like author, id, etc) first and then do the indexing for rest of the
fields(like creation date etc) at a later time.

b.) SOLR returns the whole text content of a file during a search operation.
So how can we extract a portion of the whole content? I mean a snippet of
the content containing that search keyword. Sample code would be of great

c.) What is multi core indexing?

d.) What is the number of index files that are normally created in a index
operation? What will be the expected number of index files when i index a 4
tera byte of filedata and what will be the index size for all the index
files? If anybody has worked nsuch huge volume of data then some pointers
would be of great help.

Suryasnat Das

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