For some reasons this never made to the mailing list, hence re-posting.
Hi All,
Is there any way to sort Chinese text in solr? We have currently setup 
schema.xml to use CJKAnalyzer/CJKTokenizer for analyzing/tokenizing the text 
and sort is done on a field which only uses KeywordTokenizerFactory and 
TrimFilterFactory. But the text doesn't seem to be sorted either on Pinyin or 
strokes (as far as I know these are two ways in which Chinese text can be 
sorted) and the return order of the result seems to be completely random if 
sort order on a text field is specified. Is there any way to make solr sorting 
locale/collation aware (I don't mind hard-wiring any Chinese related 
configuration in the schema.xml as this index will only store Chinese text)?

We are using solr 1.2. 

Any pointers/help would be greatly appreciated.


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