I thought that I could remove the uniqueKey in Solr and then have more that one document with the same id, but then I don't know if in delta-imports the documents outdated or deleted are updated (updated document is added and then we would have the outdated and the updated document in the index) or removed.

Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ् wrote:
it is not very clear to me on how it works

probably you can put in the queries here.

you can do all the joins in the db in one complex query and use that
straightaway in an entity. You do not have to do any joins inside DIH

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Rui António da Cruz Pereira
<ruipereira...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have queries with outer joins defined in some entities and for the same
root object I can have two or more lines with different objects, for

Taking the following 3 tables, andquery defined in the entity with outer
joins between tables:
Table1 -> Table2 -> Table3

I can have the following lines returned by the query:
Table1Instance1 -> Table2Instance1 -> Table3Instance1
Table1Instance1 -> Table2Instance1 -> Table3Instance2
Table1Instance1 -> Table2Instance2 -> Table3Instance3
Table1Instance2 -> Table2Instance3 -> Table3Instance4

I wanted to have a single document per root object instance (in this case
per Table1 instance) but with the values from the different lines returned.

Is it possible to have this behavior in DataImportHandler? How?

Thanks in advance,
 Rui Pereira

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