: Even setting everything to INFO through
: http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/logging didn't help.
: But considering you do not see any bad issue here, at this time I will
: ignore those ERROR messages :-)

i would read up more on how to configure logging in JBoss.

as far as i can tell, Solr is logging messages, which are getting handled 
by a logger that writes them to STDERR using a fairly standard format 
(date, class, method, level, msg) ... except some other piece of code 
seems to be reading from STDERR, and assuming anything that got written 
there is an ERROR, so it's loging those writes to stderr using a format 
with a date, a level (of ERROR), and a group or some other identifier of 

the problem is if you ignore them completely, you're going to miss 
noticing when you really have a problem.

Like i said: figure out how to configure logging in JBoss, you might need 
to change the slf4j adapater jar or something if it can't deal with JUL 
(which is the default).

: >> 10:51:20,525 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/solr
: >> 10:51:20,617 ERROR [STDERR] Mar 13, 2009 10:51:20 AM
: >> org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter init
: >> INFO: SolrDispatchFilter.init()


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