
 I've a multi-core system (one core per day), so there would be around
30 cores in a month on a box running one Solr instance. We have two
boxes running the Solr instance and input data is feeded to them in
round-robin fashion. Each box can have up to 30 cores in a month. Here
are questions,

 1) How would I search for a term in multiple cores on same box?

  Single core I'm able to search like,

2) How would I search for a term in multiple cores on both boxes at
the same time?

3) Is it possible to have two Solr instances on one box with one doing
the indexing and other perform only searches on that index? The idea
is have two JVMs with each doing its own task - I'm not sure whether
the indexer process needs to know about searcher process - like do
they need to have the same solr.xml (for multicore etc). We don't want
to replicate the indexes also (we got very light search traffic, but
very high indexing traffic) so they need to use the same index.


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