>Good Morning,
>Is there any way to specify or debug a specific DIH configuration via the
>API/http request?
>I have the following:
><lst name="defaults">
><str name="config">dih_pc_default_feed.xml</str>
><lst name="pc_cms_article">
><str name="config">dih_pc_cms_article_feed.xml</str>
><lst name="pc_local_event">
><str name="config">dih_pc_local_event_feed.xml</str>
>For example, is there any to specific only the "pc_local_event" be process
>Another questions, if command=full-import, this should effectively mean that
>all DIH configuration are executed in sequential order.  Is that correct?  I
>am not seeing that behaviour at present.


I do not think the above is valid syntactically.

I am a still coming up to speed on DIH, however I have taken to storing all
my DIH import configurations in a single file. Each of your different
configurations would be within its own top level entity tag. Each of which
MUST be named. It is also a good idea to explicitly name each of your
datasource descriptions, and then have the entities reference there datasource
by name. I can then invoke only that entity from the URL as follows:-


See the docs at:-




Fergus McMenemie               Email:fer...@twig.me.uk
Techmore Ltd                   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets             Analyst Programmer

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