: I want it to match "lor" "lorem" and "lorem i". However I am finding it
: matches the first two but not the third - the white space is causing
: problems. Here are the relevant parts of my config: 
:         <fieldType name="text_substring" class="solr.TextField"
: positionIncrementGap="100">
:             <analyzer type="index">
:                 <tokenizer class="solr.NGramTokenizerFactory"
: minGramSize="3" maxGramSize="15" />  

NGramTokenizer doesn't do anything special with whitespace -- but teh 
QueryParser does ... what does your query for "lorem i" look like?

if you're using the example query parser nad request handler configs then 
this won't work like you want...


...because the query parser will split on the whitespace.

try quoting your string, or using the FieldQParserPlugin.


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