HI Grant,

That's not a bad idea... I could try that.  I was also looking at cactus:

It has an ant task to merge XML.  Could this be a contrib-crawl add-on?

Alternately, do you know of any xslt templates built for this?  Could
write one, but that's a fair bit of work to support everything.
Perhaps an xslt task combined with a contrib-crawl would do the trick?


On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Grant Ingersoll <gsing...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hmmm, maybe we need to think about someway to hook this into the build
> process or make it easier to just drop it into the conf or lib dirs.  I'm no
> web.xml expert, but I'm sure you're not the first one to want to do this
> kind of thing.
> The easiest way _might_ be to patch build.xml to take a property for the
> location of the web.xml, defaulting to the current Solr one.  Then, people
> who want to use their own version could just pass in -Dweb.xml=<path to my
> web.xml>.  The downside to this is that it may cause problems for us devs
> when users ask questions about strange behavior and it turns out they have
> mucked up the web.xml
> FYI: dist-war is in build.xml, not common-build.xml.
> -Grant
> On May 12, 2009, at 5:52 AM, Jacob Singh wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I just wrote a Servlet Filter to handle authentication for our
>> service.  Here's what I did:
>> 1. Created a dir in contrib
>> 2. Put my project in there, I took the dataimporthandler build.xml as
>> an example and modified it to suit my needs.  Worked great!
>> 3. ant dist now builds my jar and includes it
>> I now need to modify web.xml to add my filter-mapping, init params,
>> etc.  How can I do this cleanly?  Or do I need to manually open up the
>> archive and edit it and then re-war it?
>> In common-build I don't see a target for dist-war, so don't see how it
>> is possible...
>> Thanks!
>> Jacob
>> --
>> +1 510 277-0891 (o)
>> +91 9999 33 7458 (m)
>> web: http://pajamadesign.com
>> Skype: pajamadesign
>> Yahoo: jacobsingh
>> AIM: jacobsingh
>> gTalk: jacobsi...@gmail.com
> --------------------------
> Grant Ingersoll
> http://www.lucidimagination.com/
> Search the Lucene ecosystem (Lucene/Solr/Nutch/Mahout/Tika/Droids) using
> Solr/Lucene:
> http://www.lucidimagination.com/search


+1 510 277-0891 (o)
+91 9999 33 7458 (m)

web: http://pajamadesign.com

Skype: pajamadesign
Yahoo: jacobsingh
AIM: jacobsingh
gTalk: jacobsi...@gmail.com

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