Hello all,

I've got some weird problem with a simple field search.
The field facility_indexed has the following terms:
- kooklessen (freq: 422)
- workshop (freq: 422)

These terms were tokenized from the string: "Kooklessen en Workshops". So 
during insertion in Solr, the string was succesfully indexed.

When I send the following query to Solr: 
?q=facility_indexed:"kooklessen en workshops"
Solr returns no documents at all. I checked the tokenization of this query in 
the analyser and it breaks down the same way as when it's indexed (so as 
"kooklessen" and "workshop").
If I query as follows: (?q=facility_indexed:kooklessen) then Solr DOES return 
422 documents, which is correct. The same result when I query only for  

Querying other strings work correct, it's only this particular string which 
causes this weird problem.

Any help for debugging or of course a possible solution would be great! ;-)


Jeffrey Gelens

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