What are you really trying to accomplish here? Because index time boostingis
a way of saying "I care about matches in this field of this document
X times more than other documents" whereas search time boosting
expresses "elevate the relevance of any document where this term matches"

>From your example, it looks like you're really thinking about search-time
boosting rather than index time.

If I'm out in left field, perhaps an explanation of the problem you're
to solve would help me clarify...


On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Brian Whitman <br...@echonest.com> wrote:

> I can set the boost of a field or doc at index time using the boost attr in
> the update message, e.g.
> <field name="type" boost="2.0">pet</field>
> But that won't work for multivalued fields according to the RelevancyFAQ
> <field name="type" boost="2.0">pet</field>
> <field name="type" boost="1.0">animal</field>
> ( I assume it applies the last boost parsed to all terms? )
> Now, say I'd like to do index-time boosting of a multivalued field with
> each
> value having a unique boost. I could simply index the field multiple times:
> <field name="type">pet</field>
> <field name="type">pet</field>
> <field name="type">animal</field>
> But is there a more exact way?

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