
On the heels of our smashing success last month, we're going to be
convening the Pacific Northwest (Oregon and Washington)
Hadoop/HBase/Lucene/etc. meetup on the last Wednesday of June, the
24th.  The meeting should start at 6:45, organized chats will end
around  8:00, and then there shall be discussion and socializing :)

The meeting will probably be at the University of Washington in
Seattle again -- a (better) map and directions shall be provided when
the location is confirmed.

If you've ever wanted to learn more about distributed computing, or
just see how other people are innovating with Hadoop, you can't miss
this opportunity. Our focus is on learning and education, so every
presentation must end with a few questions for the group to research
and discuss. (But if you're an introvert, we won't mind).

The format is two or three 15-minute "deep dive" talks, followed by
several 5 minute "lightning chats". We had a few interesting topics
last month:

-Building a Social Media Analysis company on the Apache Cloud Stack
-Cancer detection in images using Hadoop
-Real-time OLAP on HBase -- is it possible?
-Video and Network Flow Analysis in Hadoop vs. Distributed RDBMS
-Custom Ranking in Lucene

We already have one "deep dive" scheduled this month, on truly
scalable Lucene with Katta. If you've been looking for a way to handle
those large Lucene indices, this is a must-attend!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there again.

Bradford -- The Fringes of Distributed Computing,
Computer Science, and Social Media.

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