: When indexing or querying text, i'm using the solr.StopFilterFactory ; it 
seems to works just fine...
: But I want to use the text field as a facet, and get all the commonly 
: used words in a set of results, without the stopwords. As far as I 
: tried, I always get stopwords, and numerical terms, that pollute my 
: facets results. How can I perform this ?

perhaps you have the same problem as described here...


...it's hard to be certain without any actual concrete examples (what does 
your schema.xml look like, what are you stopwords, what terms are still 
showing up in your facet list even though they are stop words, what 
documents contain those terms (the raw parser can help you find them...

        q={!raw field=yourFieldName}wordYouDoNotExpect


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