On Jul 20, 2009, at 6:23 AM, rossputin wrote:
I have two different solr versions as I am evaluating nightly builds. On a
more recent one.. I think 15th July I am getting the following error :

ERROR:unknown field 'title'

I am posting to 'solr/update/extract' with the following:

"http://localhost:8983/solr/update/extract?ext.literal.id=1&ext.literal.code=somecode&ext.literal.url=someurl/file.pdf&ext.literal.category=somecat&ext.literal.updated=2009-06-01T09:10:30.000Z&ext.idx.attr=true \&ext.def.fl=text"
-F "myfi...@1411_9.pdf"

My schema does not, and is not intended to contain a 'title' field.

This update handler has been recently refactored, changing and cleaning up the parameter names, etc. See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ExtractingRequestHandler for the latest details.


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