On Jul 20, 2009, at 8:47 AM, Edward Capriolo wrote:

Hey all,

We have several deployments of Solr across our enterprise. Our largest
one is a several GB and when enough documents are added an OOM
exception is occurring.

To debug this problem I have enable JMX. My goal is to write some
cacti templates similar to the ones I have done for hadoop.
http://www.jointhegrid.com/hadoop/. The only cacti template for solr I
have found is old, broken and is using curl and PHP to try and read
the values off the web interface. I have a few general
questions/comments and also would like to know how others are dealing
with this.

1) SNMP has counters/gauges. With JMX it is hard to know what a
variable is without watching it for a while. Some fields are obvious,
(total_x) (cumulative_x) it is worth wild to add some notes in the
MBEAN info to say "works like counter" "works like gauge". This way a
"network engineer" like me does not have to go code surfing to figure
out how to graph them.

Has anyone written up a list of what the attributes are, types, and
what they mean?

2) The values that are not counter style I am assuming are sampled,
what is the sampling rate and is it adjustable?

Any tips are helpful. Thank you,


For cacti, you should probably ignore the two 'rate' based calculations as they are just derivatives: lst.add("avgTimePerRequest", (float) totalTime / (float) this.numRequests); lst.add("avgRequestsPerSecond", (float) numRequests*1000 / (float)(System.currentTimeMillis()-handlerStart));

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