On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 14:25:52 +0200, Anders Melchiorsen wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:04:24 +0200, Anders Melchiorsen wrote:

>> However, in the normal highlighter, I am using usePhraseHighlighter and
>> highlightMultiTerm and it seems that there is no way to turn these on in
>> FieldAnalysisRequestHandler ?
> In case these options are not available with the
> FieldAnalysisRequestHandler,
> would it be simple to implement them with a plugin? The
> is absolutely needed, as we use a lot of prefix searches.

I tried following the FieldAnalysisRequestHandler code, but I could not
a place to plug in wildcard searching. Is it supposed to be simple (like
enabling a single option somewhere), or will it need a bunch of new code?

In related news, the highlighter is not exactly working correctly, because
I use the PatternTokenizer for the indexed fields, and
obviously gives slightly different results on the presentation field.

So, I tried creating my own plugin:

public class HTMLStripPatternTokenizerFactory extends
PatternTokenizerFactory {
public TokenStream create(Reader input) {
return super.create(new org.apache.solr.analysis.HTMLStripReader(input));

It seems to work, but is that the proper way to mix the HTML stripper and
the Pattern tokenizer? Obviously, I would prefer not having to maintain a
even if it is a tiny one.

- Anders

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