Found my own answer, use the literal parameter. Should have dug around before asking. Sorry.


Matt Weber
eSr Technologies

On Jul 23, 2009, at 2:26 PM, Matt Weber wrote:

Is it possible to supply addition metadata along with the binary file when using Solr Cell?

For example, I have a pdf called somefile.pdf and I have some external metadata related to that file. Such metadata might be things like author, publisher, source, date published, etc. I want to post the binary data for somefile.pdf to Solr Cell AND map my metadata into other fields in the same document that has the extracted text from the pdf.

I know I could do this using Tika and SolrJ directly, but it would be much easier if Solr Cell can do it.


Matt Weber
eSr Technologies

  • Solr Cell Matt Weber
    • Re: Solr Cell Matt Weber

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