On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:28 PM, prerna07<pkhandelw...@sapient.com> wrote:
> I am using phonetic filter factory. I am searching for product_12345 string,
> which is present in only one record.
> Why is the query showing PRTK ?

This is the phonetic filter at work (the double metaphone filter, if
I'm guessing correct); to be able to do phonetic searches the search
string is run through the phonetic filter, which returns a search
string converted to the phonetic form.

PRODUCT gets converted to PRTK as those are the four letters that are
considered important, and C and K are considered to be the same
(produkt vs product) (in this case). You can read more about metaphone
and double metaphone at wikipedia.

The phonetic filter should be run against a field by itself, and not
on the complete query string (or the regular query fields). That would
also allow you to weight the phonetic hit less than an exact hit. You
could also consider changing the algorithm used or write your own
phonetic factory. I wrote a small blog post when I did this a year


Hope that helps.


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